Innovative Handling EPC Data

Building Logbook

Logbooks are dynamic repositories storing relevant building data beyond the EPC which enable better and more effective use of the data. They are a promising tool to overcoming current data gaps and data barriers among market participants. Logbooks have been developed in several jurisdictions but with diverse objectives and with varying links to the existing EPC framework. The availability of consistent and reliable data can contribute to the creation of innovative services and business models, reduced transaction costs and administrative burdens for the building owner, more effective policymaking, as well as supporting the construction value chain.

X-tendo identifies how EPC registers and systems at different stages of development can support the development of logbooks. It also explores how logbooks can support other innovative features, such as one-stop-shops and tailored recommendations. For the test projects, X-tendo trials three different logbook approaches with the objective to link the EPC data to other datasets and solutions:

  • logbook as a data aggregator (Greece) through a webservice which is the backend to the logbook data exchange between the EPC registry, tax department and renovation financing programme
  • logbook integrated in the existing one-stop-shop portal (Portugal) to provide new functionalities and services to building owners and market participants
  • a dashboard (Estonia) bringing together the EPC data, real energy consumption data and an online application that support building owners to find information on potential renovation measures and energy savings.

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