X-tendo publishes new guidelines to test innovative EPC features against relevant criteria

The new report published by X-tendo presents the workflow followed by the project to apply cross-cutting criteria in the development of its innovative 10 features. The four cross-cutting-criteria, that are quality and reliability, user friendliness, economic feasibility and consistency with internal standards were assessed and evaluated for all 10 features during the phases of development and testing.

The cross-cutting-criteria workflow was applied in different phases: in the beginning, the feature developers played a stronger role, by setting up the relevant indicators (for each feature) and assessing if the indicators had been met, after the finalization of the methodology. In a second phase, the partners responsible for testing the methodology assessed it against the cross-cutting criteria. It enabled that the results from both phases were then compared.

As this is an innovative approach, this report presents the followed workflow, delivering final guidelines based on the X-tendo experience for future works and replicability. The report starts with the conditions set by the developers before starting with the actual feature development. Then, it presents the results and main conclusions from the testing activities in the project and proposes a final workflow for supporting feature’s development by a cross-cutting-criteria approach.

Read the report


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