X-tendo implementing workshops series: eXTENDirea schemelor de evaluare și certificare a performanței energetice a clădirilor printr-o abordare
*This event will be held in Romanian*
Project presentation here.
Financing options here.
Real energy consumption here.
Readiness indicator for smart solutions here.
Comfort here.
Dear Madam / Dear Sir,
We have the honor to invite you to the event presented below, with the request to share your views on the representativeness of energy certificates issued before- and post-renovation in the process of intensifying the increase of energy performance of buildings in Romania.
To date, the way in which energy performance certificates (EPCs) are carried out varies significantly between Member States by purpose and available information, limiting, in some cases, the level of accuracy, compliance, market penetration and end-user acceptability. The Horizon 2020 project, X-tendo, addresses these challenges by developing and testing 10 innovative features for the next generation of CPE. The project supports public authorities in 9 European countries (Austria, UK, Italy, Denmark, Estonia, Portugal, Poland, Romania and Greece) in improving existing CPE schemes.
The agenda is available here.