X-tendo launches its webinar series disclosing the new developments for better EPCs and the results of its testing in 9 countries

X-tendo is launching its webinar series disclosing the developments of its innovative features and the results of the testing in 9 countries. The webinar series will take place between February and March 2022 for a total of 5 webinars. The webinars will guide the audience in a discussion to improve the quality of an EPC combining various innovative elements.

What can you expect from the webinars?

  • Presentations on the work done in X-tendo related to the specific features (background, methodology, materials developed, next steps)
  • Presentations of the testing experiences and verification material in the implementing countries
  • Guest presentations from EPC experts external to X-tendo 
  • Panel discussions and Q&A with the presenters 

When will the webinars be and how can I attend?

  • 8 February 2022, 14:00 -15:30 CET: Assessing comfort in buildings – approaches for the EPCs and building stockMore info and agenda Watch the recordings
    • In this webinar you will get an introduction to the X-tendo comfort feature. In addition, a representative from DG ENER will reflect on EPCs in the context of EPBD and Greece as a test partner will present their view of things. 
  • 15 February 2022, 9:00-10:30 CET: Measuring the real energy consumption in buildings – how could this be included in an EPC?More info and agendaWatch the recordings
    • This webinar will present the methodology to measure real energy consumption developed in X-tendo. Romania, one of the countries where the feature has been tested, will contribute with its experience.
  • 22 February 2022, 11:00-12:30 CET: How to improve the quality of an EPC? Adding new features in a reliable, user-friendly and economic wayMore info and agendaWatch the recordings
    • The aim of this webinar is to discuss how current EPCs can be improved by adding new features in a reliable, user-friendly and economic way. The assessment of these criteria for the features developed within the X-tendo project will be presented by scientific and implementing partners from different countries.
  • 1 March 2022, 14:00- 15:30 CET: How could a building logbook be efficiently implemented? Experiences from the H2020 X-tendo project More info and agendaWatch the recordings
    • The method developed in X-tendo is complemented by the experience of the Portuguese implementing partner and by the view of the EU commission and the UN enviroment program.
  • 8 March 2022, 14:00-15:30 CET: EPC databases – how can they be used to increase the quality of EPCs? – Watch the recordingsMore info and agenda
    • This webinar will present the methodology developed to perform quality control routines in EPC databases. The three countries in which this feature has been tested will contribute with their experiences. Christian Lund Iversen from DEA will present about quality control and risk assessment of EPCs, especially based on his experience.

Who are these webinars for? 
In general, each person working with or interested in the use and development of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs). More specifically, policy makers, public authorities and institutions responsible for the design and implementation of EPC schemes, institutions supporting the transition towards next-generation EPC frameworks, energy agencies, certification bodies, IT developers for EPC software, energy and construction experts, financing bodies.


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